The first official version of the CAST-32A Compliance solution will be launched at the end of June 2021. 

The CAST-32A Compliance solves the challenges of multicore certification and consists of the following products and services:

  •  Produce evidence to support DO-178C (CAST-32A) certification: Provide an end-to-end solution for providing certification evidence to satisfy DO-178C and CAST-32A objectives.
  •  Characterize and quantify multicore interference: Using a combination of expert services, RapiDaemons, (small applications designed to generate configurable load on specific shared resources), and RVS tools to automate the collection of timing evidence on-target, the CAST-32A Compliance packages help identify sources of multicore interference and quantify their effects on application.
  •  Evaluate & select multicore hardware and RTOS: Support evaluating different environments to identify suitable hardware, with consideration to the impact of interference channels in the system and ensure that the platform has what’s needed to support verification all the way through to certification.
  •  Reduce analysis effort through automation: Create an environment where multicore timing behavior can be analyzed through an automated tool framework. Within this environment, input tests for multicore timing behavior (which use RapiDaemons to create contention on specific hardware resources) are converted into test harnesses, and these are run on the target to produce results that can be analyzed.

Learn more by reading the 'Multicore Timing Analysis for DO-178C ' whitepaper.