15:00 - 17:30 (UTC)
In this tutorial leading experts from Rapita Systems, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Collins Aerospace Applied Research & Technology and Marelli will showcase the latest approaches being used in the automotive (ISO 26262) and aerospace (DO-178C) industries to verify complex multicore systems.
Target audience
Aerospace and automotive software engineers, systems engineers and professionals working multicore and new hardware technologies.
What you will learn
- How to meet DO-178C (CAST-32A/A(M)C 20-193) and ISO 26262 multicore-specific objectives.
- How leading aerospace (Collins Aerospace Applied Research & Technology) and automotive (Marelli) companies plan to use new technologies and approaches to develop robust multicore systems.
- How to use BSC’s MicroBenchmark technology (branded as RapiDaemons by Rapita) to characterize and quantify multicore interference channels.
- How to characterize and select multicore hardware.
- How to automate the collection of multicore timing metrics (including WCET)
A tutorial for industry
In this online event, the MASTECs partners will showcase the latest approaches being used in the safety-critical industry to verify complex multicore systems. Intended for industry experts, the partners will detail how to overcome the challenges of verifying multicore timing behavior and how to comply with certification objectives based on DO-178C (CAST-32A & A(M)C 20-193) and ISO 26262.
The tutorial will focus on how avionics and automotive system designers can make multicore verification as automatable and cost-effective as possible. Industry experts will deliver a combination of advanced tooling demonstrations, industrial case studies and practical tips which provide an informative training for achieving multicore certification.
Programmme, Thursday 18th November 15:00 - 17:30 (UTC)
- Section 1: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Francisco J. Cazorla and Enrico Mezzetti)
- Introduction to MASTECS
- Microbenchmarks, interference channel and critical configuration setting analysis
- Section 2: Rapita Systems (Christos Evripidou)
- Introduction to CAST-32A & A(M)C 20-193
- RVS tooling to automate multicore timing analysis
- Processes, documentation & certification
- Section 3: Collins Aerospace Applied Research & Technology (Raul de la Cruz)
- Applying multicore timing analysis in the aerospace sector
- Technical demo
- Section 4: Marelli (Stefania Botta)
- Applying multicore timing analysis in the automotive sector
- Technical demo
- Section 5: Interactive Q & A Session with all presenters
Register here: https://www.rapitasystems.com/mastecs-tutorial